Sunday, May 1, 2011

Posters in the Hall

I don't think that the students who posted Caucasian's quotes on our wall are wrong, but simply instinctive. By that I mean they decided all the best quotes that actually meant something to them were said by Caucasians. This might be different to someone else because meaning is totally opinionated, although it might be offensive to others. This is where the judging enters and as we all know judging may cause dilemmas, rather than just taking it for what it is and built on if there is a problem. So this act was neither right nor wrong. It was what it was and is what it is.


  1. Great job on your post and using a lot of detail and descriptive words.

  2. Keeep up the great work Jojo. Nice picture.

  3. I agree! Nice post and blog!!! Your psot are fun to read too.
