Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Persuasive Project Graphic Organizer

Persuasive Project Topic Request

After reviewing the Voxopop discussion, I would like to persuade people to become houseparents, to take San Pasqual students on field trips, or to donate to money to San Paqual. You may listen to my class’s discussion here:
( http://www.voxopop.com/group/1fa82b63-3a2b-467a-a46d-efca85728ccc )

First Persuasive Paragraph

Students should not be allowed to play sports with low grades. Education is important to sculpt a student's future. And if they want to play sports then they would either be really good and go straight to professional or they need to go to a college. To go to a college a student may not only be a great sports player but also great in academics. So, this shows without achieving in academics sports is almost out of the picture. Also, more of a moral goal, that a student with low grades may sometimes not deserve to play when others work hard to play.

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Thanksgiving Interactive & Poster

Week in Rap Wordle

Wordle: P. JOjo

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant" and "Catch the Moon" Theme Comparison Essay

People regret sacrificing valuables in order to impress people. This happens often in a person’s lifetime. The actions of your peers may affect the way you act due to peer pressure. “The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant” and “Catch the Moon” are somewhat similar in themes. Both books have an individual character that changes due to another individual’s expectations or standards.

“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant” the main character is the narrator. The main conflict in the story is the fish that the narrator caught and the reason why he let it go. The resolution was to continue fishing, to quit liking Sheila, and to move on being himself and not changing for anyone else.The main character changes his hobbies, goals, and motivations just because of a girl. For example, in the book the two characters were on a date and they were sailing to a carnival. The narrator threw a line out to catch a fish while they were sailing, and out of embarrassment and trying to fit in with her he cut the line to one of the biggest fish he’d ever caught. Similar to the second book the theme are people regret sacrificing valuables in order to impress people. Especially if it’s to do something negative in your life.

In “Catch the Moon” the main character is Luis Cintron. The main conflict of the story was that Luis had to find a hubcap for this girl that he thought hated him, and he wanted to change that and make her like him. This is only so because he liked her. The conflict was resolved by Luis finding the hubcap, polishing it as much as possible, then at midnight delivering it to Naomi’s window. For example, in the story he stated that “ ..he waited to give to her the first good thing that he had given anyone in a long time.” This shows that he is obviously doing something different than usual. But by doing so means that he is changing and the only reason why he is changing is because of Naomi, all because he wants her to like him. So, like the first book the theme is people regret sacrificing valuables in order to impress people. Except this time it was to change him from a hooligan to a gentleman.

“The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” and “Catch the Moon” have very similar themes. This is so because in each book a character changes in response to another character. Each main character in every book, like an individual in real life, gets influenced and changes to impress their peers or just to fit in. This act is wrong. People should be themselves and no one should change that. The main character of each story did, regardless if it was for a good or bad cause.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“Catch the Moon” Grief Paragraph

The change Luis experiences after he address the grief he feels for his mother’s death is believable. For example, Luis probably felt lonely and this is why he joined a crew. The crew might of made him feel like he was apart of something and influenced him negatively. In real life, this seems very reasonable and logical. By dealing with grief, people are able to change easily based on their deep and lost emotions. They are more vulnerable to temptations and being pressured into things. Things that can be either negative or positive and unfortunately for Luis is was negative.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

SPA Theme Song

To me S.P.A. has a theme that basically states living on this campus is a struggle that comes with many conflicts and temptations. The song that also has a theme similar to S.P.A is "I'm At War" by Sean Kingston that features Lil Wayne. Though that song mainly talks about being "at war" with a girl, which might be one of the struggles at S.P.A., but it talks about being a part of a miserable battle and to top it off, to live with students that have malicious mentalities. There is somuch drama on this campus that creates a "war" with the piers you live with. So, to solve that problem, NO MORE DRAMA!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

“’The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant’ Airhead Stereotype.”

Sheila Mant is very beautiful. Though she is beautiful she is an airhead, another words she is kind of slow. For example, in the book when she expresses herself she speaks as if she has no or very little education. Another example would be that when she went to the concert with the narrator she left with someone else just because of his nice car. An example why she is smart is the fact she has multiple boys trying to talk to her. This evidence shows that Sheila is smart, but also an airhead.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sheila, The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant

In the the book "The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant," the narrator faces both external and internal conflicts. His external conflict is mainly to get Sheila to agree to go on a date with him. He finally resolved that problem by sweet-talking her into it. The narrator has a few internal conflicts, but his main one is his stupid decision of letting a fish go just to fit in with his date and her expectations. He solved this conflict partially by letting go of his crush on Sheila. The only problem that wasn't resolved was the fact that he'll never catch a fish so big as the one he let loose. Though it sound like everything is settled and calm the author puts a twist on the ending explaining how he will never forget the stupid decision he made.

Homeroom Reform Essay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Catch the Moon" Falling in Love

Falling in love can change one's life forever. Despite of their surroundings, it can change their behavior, mood, personality, and even actions. For example, I don't remember the time I've seen a heartbroken girl go and play hop scotch as a normal happy girl would. Your mood affects your actions, and your actions determine who you are. So, if a human falls in love then yes they are changed, but only until someone can fill the hole that's burning inside. Some people even say they don't believe in love, which is idiotic because it's a natural thing that someone or something needs to be complete. Once you have experienced love it will feel almost as a drug would because the speechless crave inside that's so unexplainable bothers the incomplete person until they find the spouse they actually love. Only because love is not a feeling, a feeling can be described, and real love can not.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Memory in Third-Person

October 31, 2007 Jojo decided to go trick or treating with his friends. They knocked on almost every door possible and they were having a great time. As they were walking Jojo decided to go to a house as his friends kept walking, so he went alone. Then, as Jojo was catching up to them he saw two strangers with masks run up to his friends, grabbed one by his neck, and the other took my friend's bag. Jojo was scared and adrenalin rushed through his body. He raced towards them, but then the one who grabbed my friend took off his mask and smiled. It was Jojo's best friend! And the other one was his brother. Jojo really thought he was about to get into a fight, but it was all just a joke. After the little incident we all went trick or treating and had a ahappy halloween.