Monday, May 2, 2011

President Obama’s Big Announcement

To learn about Osama bin Laden’s death, I read, [], and learned that the U.S. killed Osama Bid Laden, one of the biggest terrorists that bombed the U.S. First, US troops participated in a small helicopter-borne strike team and conducted a raid on, to soon to be found, Osama Bid Laden's lair. Two helicopters landed that day. Next, they found Osama and practically had a gun fight. Then it happened, a participant in the American's Special Forces shot Mr. Bid Laden in the head. Great shot if you ask me. Finally, the terrorist was buried at sea in a Muslim ceremony. Now, I understand the true death of one of the greatest and horrid legend in the U.S.

Now that I have read/watched the news, I predict the Muslim nation will be very angry and upset at the U.S. One thing I predict is more terrorist attacks in honor of Osama Bid Laden. Think this will happen because it seems like the reasonable consequence due to revenge of the Muslims. Another thing I predict is death of higher officials, but not the president. I think this will happen because this is a great tactic of terrorism along with spying and more. I hope this nonsense settles down because although this was a smart move for the U.S. it was also a move that opened many doors and anger for the Muslim world.


  1. You know that you don't have a link in there right? Your post is some what like mine.. Good Job Gamberro. :)

  2. Great Job Joe! Do you think that America should now be careful? I mean he was very important to people in Pakistan.

  3. Nora: Thanks, I fixed it.

    Shaurice: Yes I believe America should be very careful, I mean if one man created plans to murder over 3,000 people then why can't another?

  4. Hey I agree with your blog post. I think the middle east country is going to be very upset that we have killed Bin Ladin and most likely they will retaliate. Great job on your blog post by the way keep it up.
