Monday, January 31, 2011

Dream House Paragraph with Imagery

My dream house is only a regular house. My house has two stories, and it is painted white. The outside has a color scheme of white purple and turquoise. I have a balcony that looks over the pacific ocean on the east coast. Every morning I can taste the light morning dew that drizzles all over my house. I can feel the moisture on the hand rail. I walk inside and feel on a smooth leather couch. Right in front of my couch is my hard, transparent glass table. As I head to my room, I feel my hard, black, wood bed posts. And I fall into my temperpedic bed that just surrounds my body with absolute comfort and cushions. My house smells like Febreeze because my bed is sprayed by it. Although my house smells fresh, there is still a lingering smell of new leather because I had just recently bought my new leather couches. As I doze of I can hear the ocean's waves crash and then the tide roll in. I hear seagulls that land on my porch and chirp their loud chirp. Right before I go to sleep I hear my coffee pot grinding my coffee. And as I imagine the red light going on I hear a beep. This house is not much, but it is or would be a great achievement. To achieve this house I have to just keep doing well in school, because without school there is no job, without a job there is no money, and without money there is no dream house.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Third Quarter Goals Reflection

I had several goals for third quarter. My first one is to manage my time in favor to academics. Another is to do ALL my homework and classwork assignments. Lastly, it was to behave better so my citizenship can also be a 4.0. I worked hard to reach these goals but I ended up coming a little short of a 4.0. Though I did not reach a 4.0 I am doing well academically. But to actually reach these goals that aren't impossible I definitely need to study more. At the end of this quarter I believe I will be happy with my grades.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Poetry Experience Paragraph

I actually like the fact that we are on the subject of studying poetry. I myself always liked writing, including poetry, but that just makes me a little bit more knowledgeable about the subject. I do know there are many types of poetry, many styles, and great complication. Anyone can write a poem, but it is the skill that is gained by practicing and mastering that gets listened to. In the past I have continuously had to read poems, break them down fore their literal meanings, and also I have had to make some of my own. When I was a little kid my older brother used to read us poems by Edgar Allan Poe, a famous poet. He is still my favorite poet that holds my favorite poem today. In this unit I would like to learn how to write poetry better, but to also have fun with it.

Good Teacher Traits

Wordle: Untitled

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Symbolism and Allegory Unit Reflection

Over the past two weeks, we studied symbolism and allegory. As we conclude our unit, I learned that what symbolism was and the different forms it can be used in. I also learned what allegory is and how it can be used to compare things. The assignment that may represent this is name "San Pasqual Academy Dragons Symbolism." We learned about allegory by reading a story in class. The blog post that represents this is named "Animal Farm to the Real World." My favorite symbolism and allegory assignment was named " “Animal Farm” Revolution at SPA," because it is a fun academic assignment that was teaching me and it was creative at the same time. After learning symbolism and allegory I have learned not to think of things so literal and more of a broad thinking to compare and contrast traits.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

“Animal Farm” Character’s Symbolic Meaning Paragraph

In the story “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, the character Boxer represents the quality of being brave. For example, he first stepped up for everyone who was hungry and starving for food. He did this by knocking down the door to eat food, and this shows his bravery and leadership. In addition he also led the starting of the revolution. He led the animals to attack the humans when they tried to come out. Boxer was in the front with his head up high and full of courage (and Snowball followed also with great bravery). This shows that Boxer did have courage and did symbolize this trait. Another example would be when he worked hard. He hassled and worked as much as possible. Even without any food he continued, although this is mostly leadership it also contains the trait of bravery, or the act of being brave. Then unfortunately he had to pass, and maybe it was due to excessive braveness. People who are brave do not always prosper, but they get respect. Those people are almost always known for what they did or what they are doing. Being brave is tough but it is a great quality to have.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Animal Farm to the Real World

In the story Animal Farm by George Orwell, Napoleon's actions have an allegorical meaning. For example, he first lied to everyone acting as if he was fighting in the revolution when really he was hiding in the back right next to Squealer. This represents more of an emotion or a characteristic. This characteristic is someone, a friend, a family member, or anyone that acts sneaky and is a liar. This is so because there are many people with these characteristics in the world today. Additionally, Napoleon turned his back on his fellow animals, continuously lied to them, and also manipulated them for their work and their lives. . This also represents people like this in the world, but this act is more evil. This trait is very unlucky to have and in the real world many might not like a person with this trait. What Napoleon did was very obscure and though his actions are repeated, although they might not be as serious, happens everyday. And at the end of his story, after breaking many rules, he had nothing left but only because how he acted. Even though most stories about animals are written for children, the moral or lesson of the story is more advance than of what children can comprehend. And maybe even older students.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

“Animal Farm” Revolution at SPA

If the kids rebelled and S.P.A. had a revolution everything would be chaotic. If the kids had a reason to do so, it would be most likely because they were fed up of the rules or just the staff in general.
So one day the kids got together and created a plan. The masterminds of it all called themselves The Fantastic Four and everyone who stayed on this campus would be under their authority. The Fantastic Four had consist of Broderick K, Travonne T, Marcus B, and Joseph B, also labeled 1, 2, 3and 4. Together we assigned one person to gather all the kids to tell them a plan, another to radio the staff and lock them up in the “mandatory staff meeting” in the auditorium, another to sign off all the papers to any capable money and checks and the last guy has to cut off all phone lines and then run 4 miles away to alert of when the cops are coming. These four kids had it all planned out, and at 6:30p.m. The revolution began. Joseph called each house and gathered them at the gym, he told them the plan, took the kids he needed, and then the rest were able to go wherever and be back at their houses in exactly 37 minutes. Broderick took six kids with him, gathered all the staff and supervisors in the auditorium, and locked them in surrounding the building with student body guards. Travonne gathered four kids, ran four miles, and had their cell phones at hand. Lastly, Marcus went to Tia’s desk, wrote his name on her name tag, went through all of her and Beth’s files, found all the money forms as possible to sign them, signed them, and put them in a duffel bag. It has been twenty-nine minutes since the revolution began, now 6:59p.m. Each kid has 8 minutes to get home, and a call from Travonne saying the cops will be here in 11 minutes. Announcing on the intercom for kids to start heading home everyone except Broderick and his 10 guys gathered up. The benefit of going along with this act was an incentive of $300.00 each. Marcus passed out the money, looked in the bag, and saw $16 million left. Dividing this up to four million each he ran it home. Broderick and his ten blocked the doors to only hold a couple minutes and also ran home. The staff came out and immediately ran to their houses to find everyone acting casual. Now it is 7:09 p.m. and I hear police sirens. The cops came and without evidence had to leave in disappointment. The kids rebelled though for 37 minutes, it was the best 37 minutes of their lives. And everyone, especially The Fantastic Four, got money out of it.
I believe if this school was ever in a revolution this is how it would occur.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

San Pasqual Academy Dragons Symbolism

The mascot of San Pasqual Academy is a dragon. This dragon symbolizes the act of being fierce, being bold, or even being big and intimidating. This is so because most dragons in stories and movies are this way. The dragon most likely represents the kids basically saying what we being through just made us stronger such as a dragon. And to be one of these dragons that have made it here feels great, almost an honor. Now, us as dragons have to succeed here and go on to the next level. That’s what a San Pasqual Academy dragon stands for.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

“Through the Tunnel” Foster Youth Initiation

Even though they don’t have to swim through a tunnel like Jerry in “Through the Tunnel” by Doris Lessing, foster youth are initiated out of the foster care system. As foster kids exit the system they go through a process. This process consist of paperwork, court dates, and a high school diploma. A kid who is in the system can go through programs to stay in the system up until 21, but most youth don't do that. Also, foster youth go to many workshops and financial aid like: I.L.S., the House program, T.H.P., etc. Foster kids have to go through all this work just to be on their own, but at the end it is all worth it and they get so many benefits. As a result of this initiation, most foster kids are guided to success, but its the decision if they follow it or not.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“Through the Tunnel” Analysis Paragraph

If the story was told in the mother’s point of view the story would be totally different. If this was so all of the son's thoughts and feelings wouldn't be explained as it was in the story. In the story the mom was barely present, but if it was in her point of view all her thoughts would be told and she would obviously be present more than half of the story. Also it would fill all the gaps of the story when the mother was missing and replace them with the child that is why if the story was told the whole story lessons and point of view would be totally different.

Monday, January 10, 2011

“Through the Tunnel” Prove Yourself Paragraph

Since I was just a little boy I have always wanted success for myself and always pushed myself to the limit. Although I do not have an exact experience that I remember I do know that I would always test my limits to make them expand and to prove to myself that I am better. For example, I would always play basketball with the fifth-graders when I was only in second-grade, or I would ollie an additional stair every time I would skate when I was actually into in to skating. Thought these things are small they meant a lot to me in the bigger picture. Then when it came to school I taught myself to do harder and to be as successful as possible. That is my experience with proving myself.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

House Symbols

The Lakers symbolizes our house which is Boys 3. To most people, this item is just a famous basketball team. To us, it represents our house and our relationship because the bonding they have is more than what it looks like. In the NBA it is more than just a team to them and is S.P.A. our house is more than just a house to us. Like the Lakers our house is a family. Also, like the NBA, players get traded and students might trade house but we still try to stay close and stay as a family. That is why our house is just like the Lakers.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Third Quarter Goals

I did achieve goals in 2010. I always got over a 3.5 and I have received a job. I am saving money and I am on top of all my activities. I manage my time very well and I have both a social life and an academic focus. What I did to achieve this was just working hard and staying focused on my priorities. And by doing so anyone can easily pass.

This year, though I did exceptional last year, is to get a 4.0. That is my goal and that is my plan.
  • Manage my time in favor to academics.
  • Do ALL my homework and classwork assignments
  • Also behave better so my citizenship can also be a 4.0

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Break Experience

The most memorable experience from vacation was on the 20th, which fell on a Tuesday. That night there was a party bus scheduled due to my friend’s birthday. So, the night before I stayed the night at my best friend’s house so we can just leave to the bus together. Tuesday morning I woke up to find out that the theme for the party bus was office clothes. With nothing to wear but the outfit I took to my friend’s house I decided to go shopping. We went to the mall, coincidently seeing friends there, and first I was looking for shoes. I wanted to wear red to the bus, so I looked for some red shoes. I searched everywhere then I finally found the ones I wanted. They are red and black and they are called “Creative Recreations.” After that we went to Macy’s to buy a dress shirt and a tie to match my outfit. So, all my friends and I went back to the house to get dressed. We all suited up, except we didn’t put on our shirts until we were all ready. And when we are all ready we said, “T-shirt Time.” T-shirt Time is when my friends and I put our T-shirts on to complete our outfit. Looking very handsome, my friends and I all went to the bus drinking Dr. Pepper. On the bus we all dance well, so we called each other “The Squad.” The squad was all having a great time, and made the night super fun. After the bus my friend’s sister picked us up, took us home, and we had a miniature sleep over. This too was very fun. That night I created a Face book, though I am not addicted to it as many friends that I know, I do like it. That night I slept like a baby. That was my most memorable experience over Christmas Break.