Tuesday, January 18, 2011

“Animal Farm” Revolution at SPA

If the kids rebelled and S.P.A. had a revolution everything would be chaotic. If the kids had a reason to do so, it would be most likely because they were fed up of the rules or just the staff in general.
So one day the kids got together and created a plan. The masterminds of it all called themselves The Fantastic Four and everyone who stayed on this campus would be under their authority. The Fantastic Four had consist of Broderick K, Travonne T, Marcus B, and Joseph B, also labeled 1, 2, 3and 4. Together we assigned one person to gather all the kids to tell them a plan, another to radio the staff and lock them up in the “mandatory staff meeting” in the auditorium, another to sign off all the papers to any capable money and checks and the last guy has to cut off all phone lines and then run 4 miles away to alert of when the cops are coming. These four kids had it all planned out, and at 6:30p.m. The revolution began. Joseph called each house and gathered them at the gym, he told them the plan, took the kids he needed, and then the rest were able to go wherever and be back at their houses in exactly 37 minutes. Broderick took six kids with him, gathered all the staff and supervisors in the auditorium, and locked them in surrounding the building with student body guards. Travonne gathered four kids, ran four miles, and had their cell phones at hand. Lastly, Marcus went to Tia’s desk, wrote his name on her name tag, went through all of her and Beth’s files, found all the money forms as possible to sign them, signed them, and put them in a duffel bag. It has been twenty-nine minutes since the revolution began, now 6:59p.m. Each kid has 8 minutes to get home, and a call from Travonne saying the cops will be here in 11 minutes. Announcing on the intercom for kids to start heading home everyone except Broderick and his 10 guys gathered up. The benefit of going along with this act was an incentive of $300.00 each. Marcus passed out the money, looked in the bag, and saw $16 million left. Dividing this up to four million each he ran it home. Broderick and his ten blocked the doors to only hold a couple minutes and also ran home. The staff came out and immediately ran to their houses to find everyone acting casual. Now it is 7:09 p.m. and I hear police sirens. The cops came and without evidence had to leave in disappointment. The kids rebelled though for 37 minutes, it was the best 37 minutes of their lives. And everyone, especially The Fantastic Four, got money out of it.
I believe if this school was ever in a revolution this is how it would occur.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Joseph, please read and follow directions carefully. You were supposed to write the paragraph in third-person narration.
