Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mouse in the Cafe. (9/8)

Larry, the mouse, only two feet tall and lives in the whole on the wall. This mouse with no spouse was very fond of the frog in the pond. This pond was created by rain even though the water is dirty it's all the same. The last peer who's dad was a deer is the bear with really fuzzy hair. Although these animals were all different races with all different cases none of them really did care. The Frog's name is Freddy and the bear's name is Teddy and they were all ready to go help Larry find his wife to marry. They searched, looked, hopped, and never stopped until they find what they say might be Larry's wife. He told them to quit since he couldn't handle one more bit off all the things he did. He felt depressed about his spouse until one day there was a knock on his house. Larry skids across the floor in a rush to open the door and couldn't wait to see what was in store. He looked through the peek hole; a feeling touched his soul, as he saw the perfect mouse from head to toe. The door swung open, although full of love he did not show it because he wasn't that type of guy, then he just said hi. She was a stray, born in May, and she said she has no where to stay. Though she looked kind of scary I realized her types came rarely with the name of Fairy. Larry offered her a bed, a roof, and food. All she did was thank me, awkwardly, but at least she wasn't rude. There he stood as she slept, so confused so he wept. The perfect mouse named Fairy woke up, twitching her whiskers, asked Larry to be quieter in a whisper. Fairy noticed he was crying, asked him what’s wrong, then just stared at Larry for long. She told him that she can see it in his eyes, his feelings have all been lies, and he couldn’t admit them because he was too shy. Larry stopped crying, rubbed his red eyes, and then blew about three sighs. His exact quotes were “Since the moment I met you I loved you, and now that you know, would you marry me because I’d love to.” Teddy and Freddy were glad that Fairy and Larry were getting married due to love that is sincerely. The ceremony was in the cafeteria and Fairy fit Larry’s full criteria, both were hot like Liberia. As life went on it was very long, and Fairy and Larry died in their beds together listening to their wedding song.


  1. Great story, Joseph! However, I got lost at times; if the story is written in third-person perspective, then why is "I" written there??
