Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Everyday Use" Plot Retelling (9/15)

A depressing night that can never escape my train of thought. It has scarred me for life, physically and mentally. As I walk to school people stare at me, whisper, and then chuckle. I was perfectly capable of learning it was just the fact that I couldn't sit in class, the same class for a year, without people staring. I haven't worn shorts since I was four, but I don't mind much. My sister that I am sinfully jealous of is beautiful and I despise her of that. She is spoiled and has no manners is what I have come to learn about Dee or Warango, whatever her name may be. My mom with the biggest heart was also in my memory as the protagonist. The memory was the night I woke up sweating with nothing but flames surrounding me. I remember as I was waking up I thought it was daylight because of the light and heat. I screamed and cried and then my flaming door swung open. I look and it's my mom full of tears running towards me. I want to run to her but I feel as if I am paralyzed, but not of pain, but shock. I felt an itch than a sting and I see my legs on fire streaming down my pajamas. My mom was running, crying, and at the same time trying to pat the flames out. She was also getting burnt since I was on fire, though I remember when I got out side the nice breeze. I glanced up and see my mom tearing some of my skin of hers. We are safe along with my sister who was almost grinning at the fact our house almost burned down. This is the memory scarring me, scarring me for life.

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