Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Notes from a Bottle" Ambiguity Graphic Organizer

Graphic Organizer

DAY 1: March 13, 2010 (Friday - 8:10p.m.)

Where are you?
I am in Boys Three right now, sitting on my roommate’s desk, and I’m glaring out the window.
What are you doing?
My forehead is against the window, I still remember how cold it was and how everytime I took a breath it would make a little cloud of fog. And as I’m sitting on my roommate's desk we are talking and discussing all the “what ifs” that might occur, but most of the time I was ignoring him and just thinking.
What is happening?
At the moment it is raining super hard. The hardest I’ve ever seen before in my life. The administrators put the whole campus on lock down.
How do you feel?
I am a bit nervous because I have never been in this sort of situation. I was also curious because I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on.
What are you thinking?
I was sitting there thinking of all the worse scenarios that were possible and wondering what was about to happen. Then I was instantly scared after thinking about my family and how they were doing.

DAY 2: March 14, 2010 (Saturday - 7:13a.m.)

Where are you?
I was still at boys three, in my room, and sleeping peacefully in my bed.
What are you doing?
I just woke up due to the immense noise coming from the siren right above my bed. Thinking it was just a regular morning test, I laid down in my soft blankets for the last time. The staff barged in almost scolding my house, telling us to evacuate. I threw on some shorts and a jacket and went to the living room to smell the aroma of rain. We asked the staff what was going on and the staff replied saying it was because the weather was so violent. Everyone had to meet in in the gym, and I remember seeing all twelve S.P.A cars lined up against the curb. Our daily meals were brought to us, and we all ended up s;eeping on the gym floor that night. I rememeber that night overhearing two staff talk, and one was crying. I could only catch a glimpse of what they were saying, but the only three words I could hear over the sobs were: QUIT, FLOOD, and DIE.
What is happening?
That day Tia repeated what the staff said and also stated that the news mentioned something about something was coming, before the connection was drained out by the rain. So, S.P.A. is just taking safety precautions.
How do you feel?
I feel as if this situation might be a little more serious than the staff explained. I am starting to get a little scared but I am mostly concerned about my family. My siblings in particular.
What are you thinking?
A thousand thoughts must of crossed my mind that day, thoughts that include many questions and many suggestions. But none that I would make me feel just a bit safe. If anything a bit scared more and more each time.

DAY 3: March 15, 2010 (Sunday – 6:46p.m.)

Where are you?
I was still as S.P.A., but this time I was first at the gym, at my house, and then rushed into a car.
What are you doing?
The day was going strangely normal, then Tia walked in the gym (it was more of a rush-walk or run), but no matter she still barged in. She announced that the weather was getting too violent and too excessive to stay here. She then dismissed us to our houses to retrieve anything that was important to us or any other necessity needed. I went home and everybody was mumbling and discussing the situation with one another. I couldn’t stop thinking at the moment , but I still ran home to retrieve my things. The only things I brought was my money, my pictures, and a couple outfits. The staff said if we didn’t hurry up we would be put on a later transport. The rain was really heavy at this point. As I ran outside I felt my legs getting soaked. I looked down to see the rain building up to my ankles. I was shocked so I kept running. I was rushed in a van along with nine other people. The rain level was immensely creasing. I have never seen rain drop & build so fast. By the time got in the car the rain was up to the tires. We pulled out of the driveway and drove to the main street very slowly. Then just stood there, stuck. The staff told us to get out, but we couldn’t because the water was now blocking the doors. My friend let me use his phone and I called my brothers. They said they were in L.A.,with my sister, but they are watching the news and they know what was happening.
What is happening?
They told me it was...They said it was.. It... I couldn’t make out what they were saying and then just as the signal was back I heard, “!” As soon as I heard that they window bust open rushing water in the car, but leaving a hole to escape from.
How do you feel?
I have came over the feeling of being worried for my family because I know they are safe. I am still scared.
What are you thinking?
Though I want to live to see them all again, I am not afraid to die. I see the window open, and say I love you and I’ll talk to you later. Well at least I was hoping I would. I hung up, and my first instinct was to aim for the window.


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1 comment:

  1. Joseph, this is not the ambiguity graphic organizer. This looks more like the SPA Flood Note in a Bottle assignment. Please be careful with your posts.
