Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Catch the Moon" Falling in Love

Falling in love can change one's life forever. Despite of their surroundings, it can change their behavior, mood, personality, and even actions. For example, I don't remember the time I've seen a heartbroken girl go and play hop scotch as a normal happy girl would. Your mood affects your actions, and your actions determine who you are. So, if a human falls in love then yes they are changed, but only until someone can fill the hole that's burning inside. Some people even say they don't believe in love, which is idiotic because it's a natural thing that someone or something needs to be complete. Once you have experienced love it will feel almost as a drug would because the speechless crave inside that's so unexplainable bothers the incomplete person until they find the spouse they actually love. Only because love is not a feeling, a feeling can be described, and real love can not.

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