Monday, January 24, 2011

Poetry Experience Paragraph

I actually like the fact that we are on the subject of studying poetry. I myself always liked writing, including poetry, but that just makes me a little bit more knowledgeable about the subject. I do know there are many types of poetry, many styles, and great complication. Anyone can write a poem, but it is the skill that is gained by practicing and mastering that gets listened to. In the past I have continuously had to read poems, break them down fore their literal meanings, and also I have had to make some of my own. When I was a little kid my older brother used to read us poems by Edgar Allan Poe, a famous poet. He is still my favorite poet that holds my favorite poem today. In this unit I would like to learn how to write poetry better, but to also have fun with it.


  1. You did a great job on this post. Keep it up!!!

  2. Hey! I was going to pick that picture, I dislike you right now. :)

  3. Keep up the great work. Nice picture.

  4. I like poetry too only because it takes poetry to make raps but still, its very fun. Good job on this assignment.
