Monday, October 4, 2010

My Memorable Days (10/1)

1. When I was 8, I used to get beat almost everyday until I turned 9

2. When I was 4, my mother left me

3. When I was 11, I departed from my brother for the first time

4. When I was 11, I became a foster kid

5. When I was 13, my great-grandmother past away

6. When I was 6, my Tio past away

7. When I turned 14, the day after I went to Polinsky

8. When I was a younger child, I would buy over 25 gifts for everyone in my family at the 99 Cent store

9. When I was 12, my Nina was diagnosed with breast cancer

10. The last time I saw my mom was when I was 13


  1. You should write about your Nina being diagnosed with breast cancer.

  2. Hey Jo Jo I Know how you feel and dont trip your going to be great.

  3. That's really sad, I'd like to know why you got beat everyday if you don't mind me asking.

  4. That`s great that everything you went throught just made you stronger.

  5. Dang. Thats a tough life. Why does it got to be so sad? You make me feel bad haha.

  6. I think you should write about when you became a foster kid I think it would make a good story.

  7. Joseph, please read and follow directions carefully. Many of the events on your list are missing setting (and proper punctuation). Proofread your work before publishing.

  8. I think that this was a really sad emotional list. But is your tio was still alive that he will be very proud of you mister basketball star.

  9. I feel hurt it brings back memories about my family.

  10. Thats all bad, those are very sad things you said. Good thing I took control of my life.

  11. I love the fact that in number 6 you put "tio" instead of uncle.

  12. I liek that you went spanglish in this. It shows your different ethnicity's
