Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School or Friends

I'm the type of person who enjoys having a social life, but I like to be serious about school. School is my main priority even though I like to procrastinate. I am very good in time management, which is why I procrastinate a lot. I will complete my homework no matter what, but since it's so important I will save my last bit of time to do it. I will hang out with my friends, because if it's possible, I don't see why not. So, if I had to study for a science test and a friend wanted to hang out, I would hang out with them. Then I would either wake up early to do it or stay up late. No matter what the case is it will be done.


  1. It`s a good thing that you actually get your homework done no matter what. ")

  2. Jojo don't get into that habit buut its still good that you get your work done no matter what!Remember that school is very important.

  3. I procrastinate on most of my homwork too. i know its bad but we need to start doing things earlier.

  4. Dang Joseph thats good that you do that, but the getting up early is a no to me hahaha.
